ron ruelle cartoonis comic artist

Ron Ruelle helped redesign a corporate training manual for The Institute of Cultural Affairs. The previous version was stale and clip-arty, so he created a series of friendly characters who could help humanize what was otherwise potentially dry material.

Here are a few pages from the old manual...

Technology of Participation old page Technology of Participation old pageTechnology of Participation old page

And here's the fresh, new version...

Institute of Cultural Affairs ToP manaul

Institute of Cultural Affairs ToP manaul

Institute of Cultural Affairs ToP manaul

Institute of Cultural Affairs ToP manaul

Institute of Cultural Affairs ToP manaul

Ron Ruelle is a cartoonist, illustrator, blogger, graphic novelist, teacher for hire.
All contents (C) 1986-2025 Ron Ruelle and/or their respective copyright holders. So don't go printing this stuff on t-shirts and selling it at the county fair! This website designed, developed and maintained by Ron Ruelle.