ron ruelle cartoonis comic artist


Aside from his own published titles, Ron Ruelle has worked on other book covers. (And yes, you can judge these books that that way.)

"Life to the Right of Hollywood" by Joseph Lindsey was published to rave reviews. It's a very funny satirical political novel. You can buy it here...

life to the right of hollywood

life to the right of hollywood

"The Drift" by Joe Wolfe-Mazeres came out a couple years ago after 20 years or so of writing and editing. Ron repurposed some old photos for the cover. You can buy it here...

the drift

This is Ron's sketchbook of anthropomorphic things. When it's full, he might publish it.


Ron Ruelle is a cartoonist, illustrator, blogger, graphic novelist, teacher for hire.
All contents (C) 1986-2025 Ron Ruelle and/or their respective copyright holders. So don't go printing this stuff on t-shirts and selling it at the county fair! This website designed, developed and maintained by Ron Ruelle.