This Book is Available Only by Mail From The Author

STONER'S AQUARIUM - Now Just $4.95!
Giant Cockroaches! Green Beans!
Crudely-Drawn Hedonism!
And that's just page 16!
Relive those days when beer and pizza weren't just for breakfast!
Yes, this is a darn-near complete collection of Ron Ruelle's "Stoner's Aquarium" comic strips that ran in the University of Tennessee "Daily Beacon" from 1986 to 1989. Each cartoon has been digitally remastered and comes with DVD-style commentary from the author to provide proper historical revision and/or snarky comment. Oh, and a portion of the profits go to the University of Tennessee scholarship fund. Enjoy!
Only available direct from the author... To order, send Paypal or Venmo for $4.95 per copy plus $5.50 shipping per order to (For international rates, please email Ron)
$4.95 plus shipping

Publication Date 2006
ISBN-10: 0-9755041-5-0
104 Pages, BW, Paperback |

Ron Ruelle is a cartoonist, illustrator, blogger, graphic novelist, teacher for hire.
All contents (C) 1986-2025 Ron Ruelle and/or their respective copyright holders. So don't go printing this stuff on t-shirts and selling it at the county fair! This website designed, developed and maintained by Ron Ruelle.