Ron Ruelle is a cartoonist, illustrator, blogger, graphic novelist, teacher for hire.
All contents (C) 1986-2025 Ron Ruelle and/or their respective copyright holders. So don't go printing this stuff on t-shirts and selling it at the county fair! This website designed, developed and maintained by Ron Ruelle.
Ron Ruelle designed logos for a food truck in Colorado. Cajun Queen has yet to roll out, but hopefully it will be on the road for the next food truck season.
Ron felt a Citroen HY van would be appropriate to add a bit of French flair to that Cajun flavor. These are mock ups, but in reality, it will likely be something a bit more common to the U.S. market. Looks cool, though, right?
Fun fact about food trucks... the right side of the truck is usually not visible when set up since the window flips up and the area under the window is often covered with a menu or other necessities. As a designer, you just shrug make that side look nice for when it's driving.
Logos were created in Adobe Illustrator, trucks were decorated in Photoshop.