ron ruelle books graphic novels

psychedelic menagerie

ron ruelle psychedelic menagerie

At The Zü Sunday Comics and/or Coloring Book

Let's go way back to the psychedelic '90s, when comics existed in things called "newspapers." Pretty wild, right? Well, here are a few years of Ron Ruelle's "At the Zü" Sunday strips from those funny pages, along with his online post-syndication weekly strip "Darwin & Co." If you were in the right frame of mind back then, you might have even seen these in color. If not... grab your crayons and go crazy, man. Either way, enjoy your trip to the Zü! THE CARTOONS IN THIS BOOK ARE PRINTED IN GLORIOUS, VIVID BLACK AND WHITE.

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ron ruelle psychedelic menagerie

Publication Date 2012
ISBN-13: 978-1477411537
118 Pages, black & white, Paperback

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Ron Ruelle is a cartoonist, illustrator, blogger, graphic novelist, teacher for hire.
All contents (C) 1986-2025 Ron Ruelle and/or their respective copyright holders. So don't go printing this stuff on t-shirts and selling it at the county fair! This website designed, developed and maintained by Ron Ruelle.